Webinar: Pain Monitoring in the operating room and post operatively

23rd of November, 15.00 – 16.00 CET.

Watch the recording of the webinar by clicking here!


1. The rise of wireless sensors in post-operative patients

Frederic Michard MD.PhD

Dr. Michard is specialized in wireless technology for vital signs and will present the benefits using such technology including the wireless, miniaturized and wearable PainSensor.


2. The PainSensor – Improved pain management when assessing the effect of regional nerve block

Professor Hanne Storm MD.PhD

Dr. Storm is the CEO from MedStorm Innovation and a professor at Oslo University.


3. Pain Monitoring in the operating room and post operatively

Professor Johan Ræder MD.PhD

Dr. Ræder is an anaesthesiologist at Oslo University hospital and a professor at Oslo University.